Six Morning Rituals That Will Keep You Cool, Calm + Collected (Plus Skinny and Strong, to Boot!)



We’ve all heard it a trillion times:  Having a consistent morning routine/ritual that nourishes your body, mind and soul is imperative to living a life you love. Our morning – and, in fact, even those first few moments after we wake up – shapes our entire day.

But given that so many of us have such precious little time in the mornings, how do you know what to do that will make you look + feel your best, in the shortest amount of time possible?

Well, I think it’s a matter of trial-and-error, really. Every one of us is different, and some people will find certain things next to impossible to do when they first wake up. Like for me, I can’t imagine doing a strength training session first thing out of bed (and that’s not totally because I am a caffeine addict…although that may be part of it).

Below, I’ve rounded up six morning rituals that get (+ keep) me goin’ in the a.m.!


1. Lemon water.

When life gives you lemons, squeeze that shit into your water bottle & drink it! I am SO not a huge water drinker (although my cool little filtering water bottle has sort of changed that), so this hasn’t always been easy for me. However, hydration in the a.m. has made a huge difference in the way I feel all morning. Here’s a rapid fire list of reasons lemon water is the shizz; boosts your immune system, balances your pH levels, aids weight loss AND digestion, gives you beautiful, glowing skin, replenishes your vitamin C (which you lose if you’re stressed out all the time), makes your breath smell nice AND can help coffee drinkers break the habit. Still working on that last one.

2. Fasted cardio.

OK, so the medical field can’t agree whether this one is beneficial for fat loss or not. But that aside, I do know this: Getting my cardio out of the way in the morning – aka before I even really know what’s going on – is the ONLY way I can do it. I usually jog for 25-30 minutes on the treadmill at a steady pace, and about halfway through I find myself jazzed up, feeling (semi) alive and rocking out to whatever tunes I’ve picked for the day. It’s more about mental clarity and energy for me than fat loss anyway, but if you ARE looking to shed extra weight, take note: At least some health peeps agree doing cardio in a fasted state (4 or more hours after eating) is optimal for fat loss. This isn’t because the amount of calories burned changes whether you’ve eaten or not, but because when you’re fasted, your body gets it’s energy from stored fats RATHER than the sexy pre-workout meal you smashed two hours prior.

3. Mindfulness Meditation.

Meditation has TRULY saved me in so many ways. It’s helped IMMENSELY with the following: Generalized Anxiety, Social Anxiety, Codependency and overall low self esteem. Everybody has their own preference when it comes to meditation styles, but my fave type is mindfulness. I am ALWAYS worried about something, and it’s truly amazing what 5-20 minutes of FOCUSING ON THE MOMENT can do for a girl’s sanity. For me, it’s easiest to focus on sounds. Just take a second to listen. Can you BELIEVE that many dang birds are chirping ALL THE TIME?

If you’re new to meditation, I recommend trying a GUIDED version. I’ll be releasing some of my own soon (yippee!), but a quick search on YouTube will bring up some fun results. I just DON’T recommend doing a relaxation meditation in the morning…for obvious reasons. 🙂

Also this quick 5-minute energy balancing exercise works wonders.

4. Affirmations.

I gotta be real with you. I am NOT a natural optimist. Even worse, I have TERRIBLE morning anxiety. When I first jump out of bed, my brain is on serious overload. One of the best ways to soothe my wired nerves is to force-feed ’em positive affirmations. Just like using the crowding out principle when it comes to losing weight (read: introduce more healthy foods rather than taking away the things you love – more on that later!), I have found the easiest way to stay positive is to ADD positive thoughts rather than try to battle my (automatic) negative ones.
My faves affirms?

+ “Erica, you’re doing a great job. I’m proud of you. You’re safe.”
+ “I am calm, peaceful and confident.”
+ and the uber-simple, “Today is going to be a great day.”

I have lots of these printed out, written on notecards AND programmed into my phone to go off at random times throughout the day.

Find what works for you. Affirmations are personal – they should always speak right to your soul. (That’s also the only way your brain will believe them, anyway!)

5. Morning Pages

You guys, seriously, if you don’t journal – you need to start. Like, yesterday. ‘Morning pages’ is a concept introduced in Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way. Cameron asks you to write 3, unfiltered, uncensored pages a day, preferably right when you wake up, as a way to unblock your creativity. It turns out that when we have a bunch of stuff on our minds, it keeps our creative energy stuck. I call my morning pages my “brain dump” and that’s really what I do – write down WHATEVER I’m thinking, without editing. I use the online application Three pages is approximately 750 words, and for me, it’s easier to type than write with paper + pen, but you should experiment and find what works for you. Even if you don’t consider yourself a writer, or aren’t “creatively blocked,” you’ll be amazed at the clarity and awareness you’ll find from a little morning journalling.

6. Green smoothies.

I love eating healthy, but getting in the amount of greens we should isn’t always easy. Green smoothies, however, are the EPITOME of EASY. I’ve finally perfected my morning smoothie recipe, and I also whip it up if I find myself experiencing hanger (yes, hunger + anger) pangs throughout the day.

My recipe includes:

+ A big ass handful of spinach
+ One banana
+ One half small cucumber, sliced
+ One cup blueberries
+ One cup raspberries
+ Coconut milk (the amount depends on how thick or “creamy” I want it to be that day)
+ Water and stevia to taste

Blend and let sit in freezer, or add ice cubes. Voila! Try it for a week and just try to tell me you don’t notice a difference. In fact, I think I’m going to go make myself one right now!


Your Turn!

I love hearing about how other people live their lives, and morning routines FASCINATE me. Do you have a routine you’d like to share? What do you HAVE to do everyday in order to function at your best? Share your morning routine with us in the comments – you might just have a genius idea that could benefit all of us!

Own the Value of What You Do.

As entrepreneurs, it’s so easy to get caught up in what you don’t know + forget about what you do know.

Level with me here, ladies.

Do you often forget that what you do is an unthinkable, near-impossible act to someone else?
Do you dismiss yourself, downplaying the incredible fact that what you do – whatever you do – lights up another human’s life?
Or that it enables them (in the healthy, exciting, beautiful way – not the pre-Intervention way) to stop freaking out about at least one part of their life, so they can spend more quality time with their loved ones? (That’s not something to be taken lightly, at all.)
Do you shrug + say, “Why would anybody want to hire me anyway? There’s a million other people out there doing exactly what I do!”?

Quit that shit.

Own the value of what you do.

Nobody can do it like you, baby.

P.S. A little birdie told me my BOGO copywriting sales page wasn’t working properly last week. If you’re still interested in booking two sales pages for $105 or a sales page + bio for $105, e-mail me ASAP + I’ll get you scheduled!

Wanna Be Successful? Eat an Apple + Get a Grip!

One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned since being in business for myself?

You HAVE to be responsible – to yourself, to your clients + to your business as a whole, if you ever want to succeed.

Seriously. When you’re trying to make it big (or just make it – as in, not living off of Kraft Mac n’ Cheese or sleeping in your car), you can’t hide. You can’t cower. And you definitely can’t ignore the issues in your business + hope they go away. (Bills do not automagically get paid, ya’ll.)

When you’re your own boss, you’ve got to own your reality LIKE WHOA. You’ve got to get into the saddle + pony up (Daisy Dukes are optional, but encouraged. Oh, but cowboy boots are required. I love me some cowboy boots.)

Honestly, as a shy lil’ gal, I used to REALLY suck at handling my issues, especially if it involved a confrontation. I’ve never been big on tackling my ish head on. However, I am now older + wiser, and as a recovering people-pleaser, I’ve had to let go of a lot of my tried-and-true old survival tactics, and trade them in for new, shiny habits. No more quitting right when the going gets tough. No more disappearing acts when things don’t go the way I initially planned (oh yes. That used to happen, a lot more than I’d like to admit!).

Although it hasn’t been easy facing up to my fears, staring ’em square in the face, this whole responsibility thing sure has had its perks.

When you start getting COLOSSALLY responsible for YOURSELF + YOUR ACTIONS, you’ll notice it create little ripples + happy after effects in every area of your life. True story.

Just like bad habits breed bad habits, responsibility breeds more responsibility.

Take this story, for example: Before I pulled myself out of the darkness this week, I was being A SLUG. Seriously. There’s really no better word to describe the way I was slowly, painfully dragging myself through life. My scale can prove as testament: I gained 3 lbs. THREE. In three days. (Keep in mind I haven’t gained weight since about 2006 & just broke 100 lbs. for the first time with this weight gain + you’ll understand why this is so monumental!)

I decided it was okay to slack off on the treadmill (I mean, I have been religiously workin’ on my fitness for weeks – we all deserve a break, right?). I also simultaneously decided that I could throw some meat back in my diet AND eat that extra 100% beef frank.

All of these things were done in a vain attempt to make myself feel better about some stupid mistakes I made earlier this month. Instead of trying to either a) accept my mess-ups or b) correct them, I decided that eating copious amounts of food + throwing my workout to the wind in an attempt to coddle myself was the way to go.

Well. Three pounds + four missed workouts later, I could see that this plan of action was just not working.

I decided to own up to my crap + do something different.

(They always say insanity is doing the same thing over + over + expecting different results, amiright?)

So yesterday I decided to get back on the treadmill.
Which led to me having a delicious amount of energy.
Which led to me deciding to go to the store to buy veggies to make a simple salad for dinner.
Which led to zero-to-none post-dinner guilt.
Which has slightly lessened my depression about my mistakes.

And with my decision to take control of my health came something else:
A decision to be more responsible in my business.

Since ditching the couch for the treadmill, I’ve been making more decisions that are mutually beneficial to both my clients + myself. All that eating well + working out + showing up FOR MYSELF has happily spilled over into other areas of my life, without me even having to make a conscious decision.

So, a word to the wise:

If you’re struggling somewhere in your business, take charge of another area of your life first. Any area. In any way. Just for a minute.

Do something that helps you feel a little bit more in control.
A little bit more responsible, for your own well being.

If you’re feeling bad about yourself, depressed about your circumstances or just plain bored, don’t slow down.
Get up. Get active. Get moving.

Reorganize a sock drawer. Take your puppy outside. Water your flowers. Eat an apple. Turn off the TV, without the remote. Walk around the house for 5 minutes (or better yet–run up & down your stairs, if you have them). Decide to cook a meal from start-to-finish. Fold your laundry or put away your clean clothes. Just do something that engages your body. Anything.

I guarantee you’ll feel and perform better – in your life and your business.

How to Handle the Fear to Create (Hint: It’s Not What You Think)

There have been so many days I’ve tried to sit down to write +….nothing happens.

Well, nothing but a nagging voice telling me that I have no authority, no right to pump out whatever pearl of wisdom I’m about to pump out – to unveil whatever ache in me that needs to be set free.

A nagging voice that hisses, “You’re not really a writer. Real writers have published novels + Hollywood agents busting down their doors to turn their masterpieces into movies.”

A nagging voice tells me that because I’m not perfect + whole + entirely flawless + don’t know all the answers, I have no right to be creative. Self-expressive. A person worth listening to + learning from.

Yep. Because I’m not perfect.

WTF kind of bs is that?
(Pardon my French. Actually, don’t.)

And while it may sound outlandish, the nagging voice has hand-picked a bushel of ripe reasons why I’m not perfect, too.

I’m not perfect because everyday I usually do 1 thing I know isn’t good for me. (In my defense, sometimes what your soul really needs is a sickeningly fattening [yet succulently sweet] DQ vanilla milkshake or to vent your face off apologetically about your boss. Without guilt.)

I’m not perfect because everyday I ignore at least one red-flag that something in my life needs to change + shrug it off nonchalantly instead. (Sometimes denial is the safest place to be, at the moment.)

I’m not perfect because instead of telling someone – anyone! – I’m keeping about 9 gut-wrenching, heart-stirring, mascara-ruining secrets locked in my (heart-shaped) box. (Had to. I grew up in the 90s, k?)

And because I don’t know and/or use any word that’s more than 2 syllables. Like, ever.

So who the hell am I to share my truth with the world, huh?
[That was the fear talking, BTW/]

But does any of that really make me unworthy of being a writer?

Does any of that really mean I can’t teach you what I do know, the (often times, painful) lessons I learned while collecting those tear-inducing secrets + tucking them away?

Hell to the no.

Whenever we’re about to do something totally amazing, groundbreaking or status-quo-shaking – share that so-personal-only-your-tear-stained journal-knows-it story, release that painting which might as well have been made from brush strokes of your own flesh + blood because it took every ounce of your heart to create – fear (aka that nagging voice in our heads) kicks in.

Okay, fear ransacks the effing place.
It’s her job.

But does fear mean you should stop creating?
That you should give up, throw your hands in the air + say, “Eff it, let’s get appletinis instead!”
No way. (The appletinis will be waiting.)

I’m a staunch believer that you must persevere against fear.

That the only way to get over pain is to go through it, not away from it. I think you should create even when your heart is palpitating. I think you should make the call even when you’re sweating like a pig.

But what I don’t believe is that by diving into your fear, challenging it to a one-on-one, UFC-style smackdown, it’ll go away.

Even if you start creating regularly.


Nerves are a part of the artistic process.

And the sooner you accept that, the better off you’ll be.

Ah, good ol’ acceptance.

That’s always the answer, isn’t it?

Doing something magnificent – something so outside the norm most people wouldn’t even dream about it, let alone act on it – will never be a piece of cake.

[Psst. That’s why most people don’t!]

So, that’s how I continue to write in the face of my annoying, nagging, totally irrational fear. The knowledge + acceptance that there is absolutely NO WAY to beat fear for good is what gets me to sit cross-legged with the MacBook on my lap and soy frappucinno on my bedside table + just get real with myself, as counter intuitive as that may sound.

But wanna know what really gets me to hit the publish button, setting my fledgling little brain-bird out into the world to flappety-flap away its own?

It’s when I remember that my writing isn’t even about me, my fear, or my ego anymore.

It’s about you.

do you know how people really see you?

hey, you. yes, you. reading this.

do you know how people really see you?

the short answer for most of you is probably, “yes! of course! absolutely!” (or maybe more like, “duhhh, girlfriend!”)

but in reality…

the way you think others perceive you & the way people actually perceive you are very different beasts.

thanks to my minor addiction to all glossy magazines (especially psychology today), i know for a fact we all have blind spots, or minor little behavioral things we’re totally oblivious to.

but lezzbe real – we’ve all seen blind spots in our friends. like, we have that one who just doesn’t get that she keeps dating the same douchebag guy (in various uniforms & with expressedly different bad hairstyles) over + over again. (’cause she still can’t fathom why she’s consistently left at home on Friday night bawling her eyes out over Lifetime movies and heaping bowls of cookies n’ creme icecream when he conveniently “forgets” to call – again.) or how about that other friend who – without question – manages to turn every single conversation – from gardening to your Grandma’s funeral – into a way for her to gripe about her own life, own problems, own stuff, to the point where you start to wonder, “Um, is she even listening to me at all?” (And, “If I really have to give this bitch a ride home & listen to her talk about her cat’s undiagnosed stomach problems one more freakin’ time…”)

well, babe, let’s face it: i have a blind spot. and you have a blind spot, too.

(and given that most of us are too nice/polite/terrified of hurting one another’s feelings to ever actually point out said blind spot to the other person, we’ll probably go our entire lives never REALLY knowing that one thing that irks the ish out of the people around us. such is life.)

but what i’ve come to realize in the past few weeks is that, sometimes, our blind spots can be positive.
because when it comes to how we gauge ourselves…well, we’re not always spot-on.

it’s true! we think we know everything about ourselves, but when it comes right down to it, even though we spend 24 hours a day 7 days a week being us, well, there’s definitely a few key things we miss. and those things? they can be beautiful. and the things that totally freak us out about ourselves, that we try to hide with makeup and fake smiles? they’re often the things that don’t even make other people bat an eyelash.

case-in-point: a co-worker & i were having our regular Monday morning chat last week when somehow the discussion turned to me, and how i handle things differently than a mutual acquaintance we share. my co-worker looked over at me – dead freakin’ serious – and said, “well, you wouldn’t have done that because you’re not shy. she’s shy.”

aaaaand i’m pretty sure i stopped breathing for a second.

(for those of you late to the party,  i was diagnosed with social anxiety disorder at the tender age of 13. so, y’know, 13 years ago.)

needless to say, i was floored.

“me? not shy?!” i thought. “wtf is this woman smoking? and srsly, if it’s that good…i wonder if she can hook me up…”

yep, me. not shy. the girl who hides in the bathroom stall if i hear someone else washing their hands at the sink, until i’m 100% sure they’ve blown their pretty little paws dry, reapplied their coral lipstick & i hear both the safe creak of the door opening, and then closing again. the girl who used to panic every time i had to make a phone call, so much so that i would write down EVERY WORD i was going to say on a piece of paper beforehand. (and practice saying it out loud. twice.)

the girl who changed her entire college major & tacked on an extra year of debt so she didn’t have to speak to strangers on a weekly basis.

but in the eyes of my absolutely adorable co-worker?

i’m happy. upbeat. friendly.

so i urge you to take a second to really, truly think about my question, again.

do you know how people really see you?

and then, ponder this: what if the answer is that you only THINK you know how people see you, based on the way YOU think about yourself?

what if the ‘flaws’ you painstakingly believe are so totally blatant that there’s no way a normally functioning human being CAN’T notice them – nobody else has ever even thought about?

what if the oh-so-horrible fact that you have a slight stutter in your speech, or that you always get a zit the size of a plump grape front & center on your forehead 3 days before your period like clockwork…orrrr that you sometimes swear your heart is about to burst through your ribcage & ricochet out through your chest because you’re so absolutely terrified to tell the waiter your food order came out wrong – are all just things you know about yourself, and not things anybody else can see, let alone things they care about?

AND – to take it one step further – what if no two people on the planet will ever view you the exact same way anyway, so therefore the opinion of one person is totally irrelevant?

what if?

would it change anything?
would you act differently? smile a little wider when things made you deliriously happy?
shake your ass on the dance floor to Shakira without a hint of shame?
scream when things scared you, cried when things touched you deeply &
let out the loudest, sexiest moan your man has ever heard the next time he slipped his hot manly fingers between your thighs?

would it give you the freedom to bust out that sexy black mini-dress you delegated to the back of the closet until you lost 10 lbs. and sashay yourself into the fiercest, hippest nightclub in town?

would you be able to let go a little bit & state your wild-and-wonderful opinions a little louder, and a lot more unabashedly?

think about it.
because it’s all true, baby doll.
you’re a clean slate everyday.

the only thing that matters is how you see you.
(but odds are, other people think you’re pretty rad, too.)

oh? and your black mini-dress?

it’s still waiting.

it’s what you do with the feeling that matters.

I am afraid too. I am frightened all the time, but I do not let the fears determine my behavior. How I act and whether or not I am afraid are two separate things in my process. I think questions such as, is this doable, reasonable, and morally sound? What are the consequences going to be when I do this? I know I will make some people mad but can I actually achieve something positive? If I think I can be effective, I allow myself to feel afraid. The problem is when people act because they are afraid. These two things need to be separated. It is okay to feel uncomfortable. If you are going to create anything worthy, you are going to feel uncomfortable and other people are going to make you feel uncomfortable, and that has to be accepted as part of life. If you want to feel safe all the time, you will never be able to do anything.

-Sarah Schulman