Are You Making These Four Success-Killing Moves?

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Being successful is hard work, ladies.

If it were easy, well, there’d be a lot more of us sprawling out on the couch in yoga pants on Monday mornings instead of hitting the road for the morning rush.

Instead, many of us stay stuck in route patterns & routines for weeks, months, years – even decades.

Why do we do such things? Why would we rather dig into another PLL Netflix marathon than actually write that blog post (when we know that blog post is going to get us closer to where we want to be)?

…’Cause change is effing hard, ya’ll. It requires feeling uncomfortable & awkward.

But I’ve got news for ya, babe:

Yep. To get the lifestyle you crave – y’know, with the money in the bank, the accolades, the delicious feeling of following your heart, the fabulous shoes (just me?) – you’re gonna have to change things up.  It’s a scary but true fact that the most wealthy & championed womenpreneurs know – and use to their advantage.

‘Cause like Einstein said, insanity is doing the same thing over & over & expecting different results.

You may not even know where or why you’re stuck. But as someone who spent years spinning her own training wheels before finally pedaling off into the land of Entrepreneur-ville, I’ve got some insight for ya.

Today, I’m gonna fill you in on a few moves that are slaughtering your chances of sweet success before you’ve even had a chance to sip your morning latte. Ready? Leggo!

1. You’re Staying In Your Comfort Zone.

If you wanna rise to the tippy-top of your industry, you HAVE to leave your comfort zone.

Of course, everybody’s comfort zone is different, so there’s no one-size-fits-all rule for what this looks like.

Take me, for example. I’m extremely shy in my regular day-to-day life, so leaving my comfort zone includes accepting (sometimes butterfly-inducing) interview requests, lining up multiple sales calls in one day and, you know, leaving the house to work instead of kickin’ it in my VS PJs. Maybe those things seem like a piece o’ cake to you – and if so, that’s great! Leaving your comfort zone might mean speaking at a telesummit or shipping your saucy new book to the publisher.

I read an amazing quote the other day. It said, “Everything you truly want is right outside your comfort zone” – and it’s soooo true! If you already HAD what you wanted, it’d be IN your comfort zone. Makes total sense, right?

The good news is that you don’t have to start rock climbing or jetset off to France with nothing but a backpack to expand your c-zone.

You can start (uber, uber) small, like reaching out to a blogger you adore & pitching yourself as a guest, or simply pushing ‘Publish’ on your newest sales page before it feels ‘finished.’

The better news? Every stiletto-step outside your comfort zone makes it grow, and eventually the things that terrify you will feel like NBD. (Trust me, guys. I used to be so anxious about driving that I couldn’t go anywhere involving a left turn. Now, I drive to major cities by my lonesome. Slow & steady wins the race!)

2. You’re Working in a Sucky Environment.

Let’s be clear on one thing:

You DO NOT have to work in a fancy high rise or have a Pinterest-worthy office space to become gloriously successful.

But you DO have to create a work environment that nurtures your creativity, growth & inner peace. (Ommmmmm.)

Case-in-point: I started this business from my boyfriend’s basement, so I’m definitely not telling you to wait until you have the perfect office set-up to get your biz on. Hell to the no.

Instead, I’m urging you to do everything you can to protect your sacred creative space.

We all unknowingly soak up the energy in whatever environment we occupy. If you’re constantly surrounded by negativity – even if you’re the most naturally positive person on the planet – you’ll eventually be brought down, too.

So how can you ensure your environment is one that helps you thrive? Well, it might mean buying into a co-working space, so you can get out of your house once in awhile. It might mean skipping out on your roomie who looooooves partying at 3 a.m. on Wednesdays (’cause aint no empire-builder got time for that).

Or it might look even simpler, like buying a dedicated desk instead of constantly sprawling out on the sofa with your MacBook (and letting ‘Real Housewives’ hum in the background – I know what that leads to…). Or maybe it means decorating a spare bedroom with a vision board, quotes or other trinkets that inspire you.

It can even mean creating delicious creative rituals to begin & end your work day so that your environment stays peaceful, like lighting candles, jamming to a specific playlist or locking your damn office doors.

You’ve got to protect your creativity and your dream. Aint nobody else gonna do it for ya!

3. You’re Giving Off Bad Money Mojo

2013 was a major wake up call for me in the money department. After a series of financial foibles, I had to take a good hard look at my finances once & for all.

And even though it was scary, taking the blindfold off was actually the best thing that could have ever happened for both me and my business.

I’m telling you, girls. This shit works. I began doing work with forgiveness and cash over the summer, and by the fall, I had tripled my income. TRIPLED.

Even if you don’t think you’ve got money drama, chances are you unknowingly picked up a few bitter beliefs about the almighty dollar growing up.

Maybe part of you still thinks you can’t be both spiritual and rich, or that anybody with a padded bank account is greedy & salacious & probably earned their piece by scamming people.

If this sounds even slightly familiar, I recommend picking up Denise Duffield Thomas’ Get Rich, Lucky Bitch sooner than later to get to work on releasing your negative money mojo.

No matter how much you’re hustling, you’re stopping cash right in its tracks if you don’t have the right beliefs around money. So hop to it, sister!

4. You’ve Got a Serious Case of Comparisonitis (and You Aint Goin’ to the Doctor)

As they say, you won’t get anywhere comparing your behind-the-scenes with another’s highlight reel.

Online, we can meticulously control how we appear – and sometimes, when you see your competitors (or even your friends) living it up, lavishly sipping fruity drinks in itty bitty bikinis or boasting about their latest book deal, you can start to feel like a total failure (even if you just nabbed a totally sweet gig yourself).

You’ve gotta remember that wherever you are right now is perfect and exactly where you’re meant to be. 

It might not look like much, I get it. But I’m a firm believer in ‘que sera, que sera’ – whatever will be, will be. All in good time.

So what can you do to feel better about yourself and your biz while you build? Do yourself a favor & unsubscribe from your competitor’s newsletters. Quit hopelessly (Twitter) stalking your fave mentor. And give your own creative juju some space to breathe.

Keep your eyes on your own paper, and everything will be okay.

BONUS! 5. You’re Not Taking Small, Consistent Action

I almost didn’t include this one, but it actually may be the most important. You can be doing all the other things (except for number one, really) and not actually be doing anything that will drive your business forward.

If you ever wanna build that fancy empire, you’ve gotta stop the info. devouring, and start the info. creating.

Because successful people make their mark. And that’s the truth.


So there ya have it, loves! Are you guilty of any of these success-killing moves? Have you fallen prey to any other barriers to success?

I challenge you to pick one thing on this list & STOP doing it – today. Then, make a public declaration in the comments so we can support you! We’ve got your back, lady love.





P.S. Another easy way to ensure success? You gotta know how to talk about your business with flair + finesse. If you’re struggling to come up with the syntax to describe your work, you’re in luck. I have a few more Mini Message Makeovers available in January at my BETA rate. We’ll work on your cocktail pitch, come up with a killer core message and more. Read more + nab your own makeover here.

Mind Candy Monday: Why Tell Your Story, Launch Your Business, Do Anything At All? ‘Cause It’s Not About You.

This week, I cried reading a client’s intake form.

Now, to preface: I am quite the sensitive Sally & can produce a bucket of tears pretty much on demand (maybe I should have been a soap opera actress?) – but either way, these tears caught me off guard.

Who cries reading about business?

Well, apparently I do. But it wasn’t my client’s business per se that made me well up, but rather the story behind her business.

The reason this client created her business was ridiculously moving. And ridiculously relevant to me.

I’m used to sympathizing with my clients, and getting really passionate about their businesses, but this was different.

As my client spilled her soul there on the page, I recognized myself in every word; in every sentence. And the offering she decided to create in a response to her own journey is exactly what my little heart is yearning for.

I felt an instant connection to her, and to her project. And above all, her intake gave me hope that this particular issue that is bothering me can be healed.

Her vulnerability = my healing. Talk about a big freakin’ deal, y’all.

And so it got me thinking. I know a lot of you doubt yourselves from time to time. You wonder if what you’re doing really matters, if anybody truly cares.

And I’m here to tell you that FUCK YES they do.


Our stories make us human. They make us real. And they aren’t something to hesitate to share or keep to ourselves or shove in a box and feel ashamed of. Because there are people just like me – and your ideal clients – out there who need to hear exactly what you have to say.

In all honesty, I felt different after reading this client’s intake. I felt hopeful. And confident. And a little less alone.

So, moral of this story? Thank you for telling your stories – and here’s to making as many people as possible cry joyful tears.



20 Things You Didn’t Know About Me


Yep. That’s me. Totally my everyday attire.

Sometimes, the Internet can be a lonely place.

Even when you’re running a business based on personality (ahem) & bringing all of you to the table – it’s easy for us to forget that there are real human beings behind the blogs & businesses we admire. Real people with real lives & real quirks & real  flaws. (And sometimes, real bad taste. Exhibit A: See Above.)

So today I’m peeling back the curtain & giving you a little peeksy at who I really am.

Ready? Brace yourselves, darlings.

1. I’m 4’10”. It’s awesome and awful all at once. I don’t think a day goes by where somebody doesn’t ask me, “How’s the weather down there?” C’mon, guys. Let’s step it up – that one’s been around since 1985.

2. I’m obsessed with gangster rap. Rags to riches stories are the best. I only had one poster in my room in college all 5 years: Notorious B.I.G. Why? ‘Cause it’s all good, baby baby.

3. I may or may not be a milk addict. I literally drink a gallon every 2 days! My brother swears it’s where I get all my calories. However, I have NEVER broken a bone, so…there’s that.

4. I used to go to a bunch of ridiculous (in the best way), colorful, playful & magical music festivals every year, traveling around the country to get my groove on…amongst other things. 🙂

5. I had a high school sweetheart and we dated off & on for almost 7 years. His new girlfriend hates me though so I’ll probably never talk to him again. Bittersweet, y’know?

6. My grandparents and parents live on Martha’s Vineyard and I used to live there during my first few years of childhood. This always impresses people but seriously? It’s an island that requires you to take a 45 minute ferry ride to get to he nearest Starbucks and/or shopping mall. Totally not my style.

7. I was published in my first real magazine (Girls’ Life!) in 5th grade. I also published an essay in Seventeen titled, “I’m Addicted to Bad Boys!” and no, I’m not embarrassed (at least not too much).

8. I have diagnosed Social Anxiety Disorder and it used to be so bad I would NOT TALK if there was a stranger in the room. Nobody now believes me! But seriously guys, I’m shyyyy.

9. I freaking loooove cats. Especially the cute little orange ones. I have no shame in becoming “the cat lady” in 20 years or so, and I assume I will whether I’m married or single. Let’s just pray if I do have a partner, he aint allergic.

10. I cry at pretty much everything. Songs with great lyrics, movies with sappy storylines, Dove commercials. You know. Anything.

11. I love all things glittery, sparkly or sequin-y. Actually, you guys probably knew that already, didn’t you?

12. I was in a “gifted” program growing up, from 3rd to 7th grade. Basically it meant I got to do whatever the hell I wanted and read whatever the hell I wanted. Hence why I’m such a free spirit today, methinks.

13. I was editor of the women’s issues/feminist magazine on my college campus. Also, cute story: I shared my office with the editor of the literary magazine, and we ended up dating the whole time. Not-so-cute story: I assigned one of my staff to write about designer vaginas, and another to write about strippers. No joke.

14. I was a celebrity gossip reporter for my first two years out of college and it solidified my obsession with pop culture (and specifically, the Kardashians). I don’t care what anybody says, I love that kooky little family.

15. I’m a certified holistic life coach and I really have no clue why. 🙂

16. My BFF lives in Chicago and EVERY TIME I go I end up getting my ass kicked (figuratively). One time I puked in a parking garage (effing hangover) and another time I passed out on the L…like literally fell onto the guy behind me. Whatev. It’s still my fave city in the world.

17. I don’t know whether I want to have children. Maybe this’ll change, maybe not.

18. About a week after my birthday, I always start telling people, “OMG! I’m almost [whatever my next age is]!” It annoys everybody. But seriously, once your birthday’s over, you’re already well on your way to your next birthday, y’know?

19. I was a horrible teenager. I would tell you more about it, but well…I wouldn’t wanna embarrass my parents (oh, wait…)

20. I’ve traveled out of the country to only two places – England (twice) and Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. I’m very much looking forward to exploring more of this vast, glorious world of ours.

Your Turn! //

Tell me a little somethin’ somethin’ about you in the comments – something you normally wouldn’t divulge to your business peeps. And then? Tell them, too.



P.S.Not sure what to share with your audience, and what to hold back? Well darling you’re in luck: that’s my specialty! I’m currently booking my Overnight Celebrity package at this year’s prices for the beginning of next year. With Overnight Celebrity you get the two must-have pages for your site – your sales (or services) page and your BIO – at a total steal of a price.

I’ll help you decide your brand’s main message once and for all – and put it into words your dream clients will crush on. You in? Book your Overnight Celebrity package today!

10 Unique & Wonderful Ways to Treat Yourself & Your Biz This Holiday Season (PLUS a FREE Worksheet!)

Okay, lady. Let’s talk.

I’ve been working really hard behind the scenes here, and I have an inkling you have, too. December for me is always a classic mixture of magic & mayhem, to say the least. Although I make it a priority to spend a gracious amount of time reflecting on the past year & projecting for the new one – I also sometimes fall prey to running-around-like-a-chicken-with-its-head-cut-off-itis.

It feels like my To Do list is never done, and my “To Buy” list keeps expanding. It can get overwhelming when you’re trying to manage both your business & personal lives with flair, amiright?

That said, I’ve put together a fun list of 10 ways you can treat yourself AND your business this holiday season, ’cause lord knows they both need a little bit o’ lovin.

[Disclaimer: A few (but not all) of these links are affiliate links. That said, I only recommend & become an affiliate of products & services I personally own & use & appreciate. I’d never suggest something to you I wasn’t 100% a fan of.]

Now, without further ado…

1. Organize the hell outta your space.

 I don’t know about you, but clutter really throws me off. I think the week right before the new year is a vunderful time to get your (physical) shiz together. I love scoping out sites like Hobby Lobby, and (I’m seriously obsessed with their “Work Hard & Be Nice to People” print!)

Personally, I plan to pick up this adorb Kate Spade journal set – one says “Live It” and one says “Love It.” I’m going to use one as my paper To-Do List & the other as my gratitude journal.

I’ve also been eye-balling “The Day Designer” which is dubbed “a yearly strategic planner and daily agenda for creative entrepreneurs, business women, and working mommas everywhere” for, like ever. I’m excited to commit to getting it this year & using it to plan all my new adventures in 2014. And for realsies, isn’t that black and gold just to die for?

2. Dig Deep.

Not only is the new year a great time to get your physical space together, it’s also a good time to get your head space together.

One of my favorite ways to uncover what I’m really thinking & feeling is to use something Tara Wagner at the Organic Sister created called the Digging Deep process. In a nutshell: It’s an ebook & collection of brilliant worksheets that force you to uncover & deal with your limiting beliefs, once & for all. It’s down right magical how much you can learn about yourself when you actually sit down & put pen to paper & ask yourself the hard questions.

You know how people say you won’t see results in your personal development unless you do the work? Tara’s system is a fabulous guide to get “the work” done.

3. Plot & plan.

I’ve always been really into end-of-year rituals. I love looking back on the year I just had & creating all sorts of delicious plans for the new one.

Sound like something you’re into, too? Then Leonie Dawson’s Amazing Life & Biz Planners are a must-have. (Yes, that is an affiliate link!) I’ve used them the last two years and THIS year, they’re available in a PRINT VERSION, which makes me super happy since I never seem to have enough printer ink around. (New Year’s Resolution? Go to fucking Office Max, ya lazy goober.) Really though, there’s nothing quite like writing your goals out in longhand, you know?

I also plan on picking up moneymaking expert Ellen Ercolini’s “Get A Grip!” bundle which features two wildly unique digital workshops: Reflect, Remix, Remaster (for a massive dose of reflection) & January Jumpstart (for plotting your best year yet). Ellen just recently had her first 5-figure month, so let’s just say girl knows what she’s talking about.

And I can’t forget about Amber McCue’s Fresh Start workbook which is chock full of practical worksheets that’ll help you jump into 2014 with a clear head. Did you know businesses that plan outperform the competition by 60%? Oh yeah, baby. Now that’s a treat!

4. Work ON your biz, not IN your biz.

Every entrepreneur knows how easy it is to get swept up in doing all the day-to-day managing of your business (including client work, as fabulous as it may be) so much so that you completely neglect your own biz. (In fact, I wrote a lot about that in a post right over this way: Are You Begin Codependent In Your Biz?)

Are you guilty of letting your own business collect dust? Well, you’re in luck. One of my fave business mentors Shenee Howard is running a short-but-sweet 5-day challenge called, “It’s ON!” which, of course, is all about working ON your biz, not IN it. You’ll receive an actionable step to take each day to shine up some aspect of your business – be it updating your autoresponders, deleting that service from your shop page or just updating your Twitter bio. Best part? It’s totally FREE. Make sure to sign up ASAP so you don’t miss any of the fun!

A few ways I’m workin’ ON my business this holiday season:
♥ 1. Collaborating with my web designer for a full re-design.
♥ 2. Re-writing all my site copy & upgrading my services like whoa
♥ 3. Outsourcing for the first time evah

How ’bout you, darling?

5. Make some extra cheddar.

I’ve been doing a lot of money work lately. And I don’t mean that I’ve been hustling my butt off (although I have), I mean I’ve been really exploring my mindset around money. I think every entrepreneur should consistently work on her money-making mojo, and what better time to start than right before a new year?

Tools of the trade? Kate Northrup’s Money: A Love Story and Denise Duffield-Thomas’ Get Rich, Lucky Bitch. Guys, I can’t tell you how powerful & transformative this work has been. Like, WHOA. I landed two new clients within hours of doing some forgiveness work around my past money memories. (This was an exercise I procrastinated on for weeks. Turns out if you feel mega resistance to something, the payoff on the other side will be that much sweeter.)

A few of my other fave tips & tricks for manifesting mucho dinero Kate Northrup suggests writing down 3 things you value about yourself everyday. Denise suggests tracking every piece of money that comes into your life to the cent (even the pennies you find in the street!). Both of these have made me appreciate myself – & my life – that much more.

If you need something a little more practical, funky & fun financial planner Leah Manderson is offering 50% off her Done-for-You Debt Savings Plan. (And yes, I just put ‘funky’ and ‘fun’ and ‘financial planner’ together in the same sentence!) You’ll get a personalized action plan, budget & all kinds of tools to manage your financial life in the new year. Can I get a ‘hell yes’ for responsible spending? (…No? Maybe?)

6. Love up your bod.

I know, I know. Everybody tells you one of the easiest ways to feel better about yourself is to go get a manicure & pedicure. But you know why? ‘Cause it works, yo!

If all the end-of-the-year hullabaloo has got you feeling a little rundown, do yourself a favor & step away from the computer & take some time out for YOU.

Whether your nails have run ragged, your roots are down to your shoulders or you haven’t hit the treadmill in weeks – I challenge you to do the one beauty treatment that you’ve been putting off because you don’t “need” it. I guarantee you’ll feel 100 times more confident with a sexy blowout, even if it is a little “unnecessary.”

If you’d rather stay in & decompress, I recommend grabbing a bottle of OPI polish, your fanciest (and tallest) champagne flute and your fave holiday-esque soundtrack and treating yourself to a DIY mani.

Another one of my ultra-fave ways to give my body a little lovin’ is my monthly subscription to They have the most amazing & comprehensive collection of yoga workouts I have ever seen. You can literally search for anything – if you’ve got a sore neck, search for yoga routines proven to help. If you’re looking for something that’s fast-paced & guaranteed to make you sweat, there’s an option for that. Only got 15 minutes to spare but wanna sneak in some asanas? No problemo – just search for it! It’s genius, I tell you! (And all for less than $20 a month!)

7. Dress up your digital goods.

Now that you’ve got a perfectly blown out ‘do & pristine cuticles, why not extend the beautify-ing to your digital tools, too? I’m talking shopping for all new covers for your iPhone, iPad & laptop. I love searching Amazon and Etsy for “sequin iPhone covers.” I’ve uncovered quite a few gems – pun intended – that way.

Let’s be honest: You use your techno-shit a lot. Might as well make ’em fun to look at (and something you can feel proud of when you have to whip ’em out in public!)

8. Have a Brandgasm!

You & your tools all sexed up, but don’t forget about adding some glam to your business! Brandgasm 101 is a fabulous course for the DIY-type looking to pick up a few essential copywriting and design skills to refresh your online presence in 2014. Always wanted know how to design a delicious “Buy Now” button? How about a tasty Twitter background? Or maybe you’d just love to know how to craft a hot headline? Brandgasm’s got you covered.

BONUS: Brandgasm is currently having a holiday sale so it’s 50% off, yo . Grab that shizz while you can. (Yes that is an affiliate link which you are under no obligation to use, but I’d be super happy if you did!)

SECOND BONUS: Don’t forget to give yourself a real orgasm, too. *wink*

9. Give your message a makeover.

Another way to add some sex appeal to your business? I’m currently offering a FLASH SALE on my Mini Message Makeovers. What’s that, you ask? Essentially it’s a package designed to add a little styling to your syntax.

If your business message needs some (serious) definition, or your cocktail pitch is drier than the white wine you inevitably slurp down at all your networking events, a Mini Message Makeover could be just what your brand needs. Read more about it here & get it while it’s haute!

10. Upgrade one other area of your life.

This is another one of my favorite tips from Denise’s Get Rich, Lucky Bitch. Often we get overzealous & want to change everythingallatonce. The problem with that is that 1.) it puts a strain on us (either financially or mentally) and 2.) when you try to make multiple changes at a time, they’re less likely to stick.

So why not commit to focusing on ONE area of your life that you can upgrade incrementally, and go from there? For example, my boyfriend & I have decided to buy all new luxurious bedding – sheets, pillows & a new comforter/duvet – for the new year. It’s the only present we’re giving each other. But we’re doing it, damn it. (Because let’s face it – we spend a LOT of time in bed).

What or where in your life can you upgrade? Maybe you can buy a designer pair of jeans & throw out the old skinnies from college you can barely button anymore? Maybe you can buy the “deluxe’ manicure instead of “back to basics”?

Have fun with it, girl. You deserve it!


Are you thinking about rolling out a new service in 2014, but not sure what the hell to offer? I can help! I’m currently putting the final touches on a shiny new worksheet called Pop, Fizz, Clink!: Launch a Sparkly New Service in 2014 that’ll help you get clear on WHAT you should offer, WHO you should offer it to & WHAT language to use to get your dream clients vying to buy.

Want in? Enter your email in the box below to grab your FREE worksheet, plus the chance to have me personally review & tweak your copy. ‘Cause it’s the holidays, and I’m giving like that.

4 Ways Your Personal Development Is Messing Up Your Business (And Life)

the elusive vision board via WeHeartIt

As a copywriter who spends her days making sure women entrepreneurs are presenting their best, sassiest selves online – I’m a huge fan of personal development. I know how hard it can be to be an entrepreneur, and I know it takes a shizz ton of inside work to make things look so damn easy on the outside. (They’re not.) (Don’t let anybody fool you.)

That said, I’ve fallen prey to misunderstanding personal development advice once or ten times – and it’s not been pretty. Here’s a quick look at a few ways all your leveling-up might be holding you down:

1. The Law of Attraction is Making You Lazy.

Not gonna lie: When I first heard about LOA, I was pretty convinced all I had to do was make a vision board & in a few months I’d be sittin’ pretty in a brand new Bentley & makin’ it rain in my mansion house.

Not. True.

You must meet the universe (more than) half way. You’ve got to do the work if you want the universe to do its part.

Translation? Quit wishing & start doing.

2. You Have (Really) High Expectations of Others.

When I first started doing things to improve myself – namely, reading loads of self help material about weeding the negative energy, people & situations from my life – I took it one step too far.

I started to look down on the people around me who “didn’t get it.” I started to doubt all my relationships & friendships & um, EVERYTHING ELSE EVER.

I think a lot of this stemmed from the fact that I was the only one I knew doing any “growth” work. Surround yourself with others who are going through the same things, yes, but don’t be so damn hard on everybody else. We are all on our own journeys, and just because your BFF’s doesn’t look just like yours doesn’t mean she isn’t worth the friendship.

You can be spiritual and want to grab a damn beer & pizza sometimes.
You can be spiritual and still find yourself annoyed at the morning commute.
You can even be spiritual and get angry at your mom. No. Really. (Warning: I do not recommend this last one.)

3. You’re Trying So Hard to Be Grateful for What You Have that You’re Ignoring Things that Really DO Need to Change.

When things got really bad in my relationship last year (as in financially, emotionally & spiritually), I tried to will it away by practicing gratitude for everything I did have.

There’s nothing wrong with gratitude. Please, don’t get me wrong.

The problem was that I was turning a blind eye to the real ish going on in my life because I had heard SO many times I needed to just be grateful and accepting and yadda yadda.

Yes. You do. There’s no point in complaining about something unless your’e going to change it.


Sometimes things just SUCK. Sometimes you DO need to wallow in your sadness & cry & acknowledge that not everything is perfect.

Please, allow yourself that gift.

4. You’re Overspending in the Name of Self Care.

Oh em gee. This may be the worst thing I ever did. I remember around this time last year (when I was first starting to work in my business full-time), I decided I absolutely HAD to buy a monthly massage & facial package.

And monthly manicures.
And of course I “deserved” the new clothes & shoes & OH-PLEASE-JUST-ONE-MORE-ECOURSE.

I’m allllll about self care. Truly. I know how fucking important it is & I would never try to convince you otherwise.

But going into debt in the name of self care is like fighting for peace or fucking for virginity or eating fast food to stay alive.

It’s dumb. It’s counterintuitive. It just doesn’t make sense.

Take a cue from fellow biz lady Kate Northup, who explains in her book Money: A Love Story, that saving your dough is actually a way to show yourself you care. NOT having to scrounge your last pennies to pay for food or borrow moolah when your car breaks down shows you that you care about you.

Missing out on a mani won’t kill you. Having to walk to the grocery store in sub-zero weather might. (Just sayin’)

Your Turn! //

Have you ever taken personal development too far? What’s your least favorite piece of personal development advice – you know, the one that makes you scoff and get really angry inside ‘cause it’s such a load of bull? Share it in the comments!

Mind Candy Monday: Why Traditional Marketing Tactics AREN’T Sleazy

I wasn’t going to publish this today. I actually had another entire post (almost) ready to go. But then I started asking myself what it is YOU guys really want to know.

And I was reminded of the answers on a survey I sent out into the universe a few months back that was all about your copy woes.

There were definitely some interesting results. But by far the most eyebrow-raising were the answers to the question about YOUR BIGGEST COPYWRITING FEAR.

Wanna know what it was?

Your #1 copywriting fear was sounding SLEAZY to your potential customers.

Not totally missing the mark & launching to crickets. (Though that was a fear.) Not sounding like somebody else (That was, too).

You just really didn’t want your customers to think you were a slimy marketer!

Now. Don’t get me wrong: I get it. I work with so many just insanely talented lady entrepreneurs who are seriously repelled by the thought of marketing – and terrified to promote themselves in any way, shape or form.

No heart-centered entrepreneur wants to feel like a money-grubbing loser out to steal from people.

Well let me first address that by saying:

You are clearly NOT a money-grubbing loser out to steal people’s money so you can knock that off right now, young lady.

I (and you) both know you’re only selling to better the freaking world (and because ya gotta eat, and y’know, maybe take a vacation or ten).

Now, moving on. Today I want to challenge you to think about this marketing schtick a little differently. (You are an outside-the-box thinker, after all, aren’t you?)

Wanna know why there are hundreds of books out there on copywriting principles? List & lists of done-for-you headlines guaranteed to make customers click? And oodles of step-by-step instructions for writing sales letters that rake in the dough?

Because there are certain marketing principles that JUST WORK.

Humans (and our big ol’ brains) operate in pretty predictable ways, and the copywriting greats have discovered exactly what motivates people to buy – time & time again. Simple as that.

I know what you may be thinking. Well, I’m not a sucker for all that hype-y, sales-y, over-the-top market-y stuff – and neither are my customers.

And to that I say: Girl, I know you can’t tell me you’ve never wanted to buy something off an infomercial! *insert wink face here and actually I love my Nina blender, thank-you-very-much*

No but seriously. Just for a second I want you to reconsider the way you feel about using “generic” or “proven” marketing tactics in your copy.

What if you reframed it like this?

The marketing tactics grab their attention. But the value of your (heart-centered/world-changing/life-revamping) offering keeps it there.

I wholeheartedly believe that there are certain tactics that effortlessly turn words into dollars. In fact, I know there are.

So let me ask you: Does it make me a money-grubbing loser out to steal people’s money if I use said “tactics” in my copy – especially when my offering is something I find truly valuable & helpful to others?

Maybe you think it does. And that’s your prerogative. (Cue 80s song here & hat tip to Bobby Brown.)

I, for one, think there’s no way that spreading positivity, no matter how you do it, could be wrong.

‘Cause yanno what using proven, old school marketing tactics really means?
It means more eyes on your stuff.
Which means more money in your pocket, sure.
But the biggest benefit? It means you’re being helpful to a helluva lot more people

So my advice? Use all the tactics & templates & ‘tricks’ you want – because they work and no entrepreneur should have to reinvent the wheel every time they sit down to write sales copy. (I’m fairly sure nobody should ever have to reinvent the wheel. That’s some serious mind-bending shizz right there.)

Use them in a way that focuses on pleasure instead of pain.
Use them in a way that conveys that you’re adding value to the world, not taking it from other people.

But more importantly use them because the world needs what you got, girl. And the more attention you garner with your irresistible headlines and hypnotic writing? The better chance you have at reaching someone who can benefit from what you’re putting out there. #troof


P.S. If this all sounds like gibberish to you, I have two copywriting spots open for the rest of 2013. Let me take this off your plate & just do it for you. Sound like a plan, girlfran?

Your Turn! ♥

How do you feel about implementing proven marketing tactics into your copy? Are you terrified to use what you know about consumer psychology to spice up your sales pages, or are you totally down with peppering your prose with whatever works to make the sale because your offer is just that KICK ASS?
Tell us in the comments!